Fentanyl is a pharmaceutically engineered medication used for pain relief. It works by binding to opioid receptors in the brain, which reduces pain signals sent from other parts of the body. Fentanyl use can be very beneficial, especially for those suffering from conditions such as cancer and arthritis. It allows them to reduce their use of opioids like morphine and oxycodone, which would otherwise cause severe side effects. The potency of fentanyl, however, makes it highly addictive and dangerous when used without medical supervision or attention to dosage amount.
Overdose and Addiction
The dangers associated with fentanyl come mainly after an individual takes too much of it at once, leading to a fentanyl overdose. Even though this potent drug has been FDA-approved, it can lead very quickly to fentanyl addiction due to the euphoric feeling caused by the drug. When someone experiences an overdose of fentanyl, they go into respiratory distress, and it is very difficult for them to breathe. If this individual does not receive immediate medical attention, then they will die without treatment.
Fentanyl Use Disorders
When individuals are offered opioids like fentanyl through prescriptions or on the street, their bodies can become dependent upon these drugs to function normally. Their lives begin to revolve around getting high and dealing with potential withdrawal symptoms when they run out of drugs or run out of money for drugs. These people are likely to harm themselves to not feel sick during withdrawal periods because their bodies crave the drug so much. This behavior leads them down a dangerous road, and like all drugs, fentanyl can be extremely damaging to the body and mind over time.
Fentanyl Drug Addiction
When faced with the possibility of withdrawal symptoms from not taking fentanyl, an individual may continue using this drug despite its harmful effects on their life. They’ll likely begin lying to family members and friends about taking the drug because they don’t want anyone else to know that they’re struggling with addiction. When someone is addicted to a substance such as fentanyl, it becomes too hard for them to live without it, so they must find ways to obtain more, even though this could lead them down dark paths. Sometimes individuals will sell their belongings or money to get their next high whenever the damage caused by opioids becomes too overwhelming.
Fentanyl Addiction and the Brain
The potency of fentanyl makes it extremely dangerous because an individual can overdose on such a small amount. People who overdose on opioids like fentanyl usually fall into respiratory distress almost immediately, which leads them to stop breathing entirely. The human brain requires oxygen to stay alive, and without it, the user dies without medical intervention. Fentanyl is especially harmful because its potency causes effects on both sides of the brain, which control pleasure and pain sensations. This leads users to become addicted more quickly due to the quick high that they experience when using this drug, and it also means that they’ll go into withdrawal symptoms very fast if they don’t take more. When someone goes into respiratory distress caused by fentanyl, their life is likely in danger after just one use. Although medical intervention is necessary for recovery, an individual who overdoses on fentanyl will likely suffer brain damage, making it difficult for them to experience happiness in life without using the drug again. This is why people must seek treatment when they realize that they’re addicted to opioids like fentanyl because, over time, they’ll lose control of their lives when they continue to use this dangerous substance.
Fentanyl Drug Overdose
When fentanyl use disorder occurs, there is a high risk of overdose, and death may occur even with small amounts of the drug if injected or snorted. Opioid drugs can make it difficult for people to stop using because of withdrawal symptoms. Fentanyl addiction can cause a decline in a user’s physical and mental health, making it harder for them to function normally in society, work, and even maintain relationships with family members or friends. If you have been struggling with fentanyl use disorder or have lost someone due to an overdose from this drug, then reach out now so that you can find the help needed as soon as possible. In closing, Fentanyl is a potent opioid that’s 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine. In fact, fentanyl is responsible for 20% of overdoses in the United States each year. For those who need assistance overcoming their addictions, don’t hesitate any further if you’re ready to begin your journey towards healthy living without opioids like fentanyl. Contact the right treatment center today!