Kentucky Drug & Alcohol Rehab Addiction Treatment Center
At Robert Alexander Center, we acknowledge the complexity and challenges of addiction. However, we firmly believe that with adequate tools and support, the road to recovery can bring about transformation, growth, and healing. That’s why we continuously strive to innovate our programs and approaches to effectively guide our clients on their distinctive paths.
We are dedicated to helping those addicted to drugs and alcohol find their path to personal, long-term recovery from addiction.
Addiction is painful. It’s crushing. It’s a battle.
It’s isolating. It’s lonely.
But most of all, addiction is misunderstood and because of that, perhaps worst of all in some ways, it’s brutally stigmatized.
The lack of understanding and therefore the lack of sympathy to a degree stems from society pinning the wrong definition on the word.
As per the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction is defined as a “chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking, continued use despite harmful consequences, and long-lasting changes in the brain. It is considered both a complex brain disorder and a mental illness. Addiction is the most severe form of a full spectrum of substance use disorders, and is a medical illness caused by repeated misuse of a substance or substances.”
While it’s widely accepted by medical professionals that addiction is a mental illness, users often still find themselves being treated as less than others.
Here at our Kentucky drug & alcohol rehab programs, we get it, and compassionate care is the rule.
We believe everyone has the ability to recover from addiction.
Our drug and alcohol rehab center is on a mission to truly make a lasting impact on those affected by the disease of addiction in various cities.
I HIGHLY recommend allowing RAC to provide the care and tools for your lifelong sobriety. I love every individual there for giving me a new lease on life!
I had a very nice time. Community and staff are fantastic, beyond what was expected. I had lots of eye opening talks, learned recovery strategies, and had lots of fun with other people just like me. I am excited to move forward to another one of their programs!
I absolutely LOVED RAC, and all of the staff. I was absolutely terrified to go to rehab. But it has been such a warm and welcoming experience. Starting with my detox, all of the staff and nurses made sure of it my needs were met. The ARPN has been a God send. She makes sure you're comfortable. I would recommend RAC to anyone who is ready to get the help they so much deserve.
The Robert Alexander center is wonderful place to recover from drugs and alcohol the detox portion of my recovery here was amazing I felt comfortable at all times. When I moved over to the residential side the group therapy and the individual therapy both did wonders for my self confidence and self worth. This place is a 10 out of 10 for anyone wanting to recover from drugs
My name is Jeff upon coming here you will feel anxious and worried about where you’re going and what you’re getting into. However you will be more than pleasantly surprised because the staff and other residence are great, the education you will get is outstanding and helpful. Just absorb it all and you will be better. Do not ama after a few days because it’s not your thing because it’s not your thing, it will become your thing if you let it. Good luck.
We provide individualized mental health treatment programs at our addiction detox and rehab center.
At The Robert Alexander Center for Recovery, we offer safe & effective medical detoxification services.
Residential Inpatient
The residential inpatient program at RAC was designed to treat each client's unique needs when dealing with addiction.
Mental Health Care
RAC takes mental health seriously. The programs at our facility have been designed to treat mental health alongside addiction for optimum results.
Aftercare & Alumni
From planning outpatient treatment to sober living, RAC offers clients the tools needed for long-term success in recovery.
At The Robert Alexander Center for Recovery, we offer safe & effective medical detoxification services.
Residential Inpatient
The residential inpatient program at RAC was designed to treat each client's unique needs when dealing with addiction.
Mental Health Care
RAC takes mental health seriously. The programs at our facility have been designed to treat mental health alongside addiction for optimum results.
Aftercare & Alumni
From planning outpatient treatment to sober living, RAC offers clients the tools needed for long-term success in recovery.
Our Modern Facility Has Everything You Need.
Our residential compound was designed to help offer quality, evidence-based programming alongside modern amenities. Robert Alexander Center for Recovery is a one-stop-shop for lasting addiction recovery.
Copper Tub Therapy
Semi-Private Rooms
Flat Screen TVs in Every Room
Client Lounge
24/7 Cafeteria & Nutritious Meals
Wellness Activities
Signs Someone May Be Abusing Drugs & Alcohol
When it comes to helping your loved one, the best thing you can do initially is just to pay attention. While it may feel like drug or alcohol abuse sneaks up on us and catches us off guard with their ferocity, the truth is, there are almost always signs and symptoms that are happening right in front of our eyes.
It’s easy to ignore. Simple to make excuses. Doing that, however, risks catastrophe.
Catching these symptoms early enough can make a huge difference in stemming the tide of addiction and getting your family member or friend the help they need before things get even worse.
So, what are the signs?
For starters, there are many commonalities in how addiction manifests itself, particularly with respect to behavior, with drugs and alcohol. Naturally, the use of certain drugs will have much more pronounced physical effects, i.e. the devastation that meth has on the body but the addictive behavior itself presents similarly.
Behavioral Warning Signs Of Substance Abuse
- Lack of control and a total inability to cut back on using and/or drinking
- Being overly secretive
- Diminishing performance at work or school
- Missing responsibilities related to school, family, work, etc.
- Unexplained absences
- A dramatic change in habits/priorities
- Borrow or even stealing to fund a drug habit
- Starting to hang with new friends
- Continuing to drink or use drugs despite the problems they’re clearly causing
Physical Warning Signs Of Substance Abuse
- Increased tolerance
- Bloodshot eyes
- Drastically changed sleeping patterns, either too much or too little
- Impaired speech and coordination
- Lack of care for personal hygiene, unusual smells and a general worsening of physical appearance
- Sudden weight fluctuation
- Tremors
- Cravings
- Withdrawal symptoms
Psychological Warning Signs Of Substance Abuse
- Irritability
- Moodiness
- Anxiety
- A significant shift in personality
- Paranoia
- Lack of motivation and lethargy
- Depression
All of that said, you don’t have to memorize a bunch of esoteric stuff, or keep a running list of the signs you’re seeing. In point of fact, if you’re here reading this, you probably already have suspicions that something is going on and just need to be moved to action. If any of the above jibes with what you’re noticing, it’s very likely the time to reach out for some professional guidance.
Our Groundbreaking Facility
Top Services for Drug Rehab in Various Cities
Same-Day Admissions Available
We Work with Most Major Insurance
Why Choose Us?
The Robert Alexander Center for Recovery is more than just your typical rehab. Find out more about how our drug rehab in KY can help.