The Robert Alexander Center for Recovery is regarded as a reputable addiction treatment center. We know that drug abuse and obsessive behaviors often go hand in hand with a wide range of mental health disorders, which can both cause and worsen a person’s drug abuse or obsessive behaviors. 

Because of this, we are able to offer specialized treatment for other mental health problems when they happen at the same time as an addiction diagnosis. 

These might include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Bipolar disorder

What is dual diagnosis?

Dual diagnosis is the term that is used when a person has been diagnosed with one or more mental health disorders, such as anxiety, personality disorder, or depression, in addition to a substance use disorder, such as alcoholism or opioid abuse. Some examples of mental health disorders include anxiety, personality disorder, and depression. 

Comorbidity is another term that can be used to refer to a dual diagnosis. For example, a person can have a mental illness and also be addicted to sex, drugs, alcohol, or some combination of these things. In this case, the mental illness could be schizophrenia, depression, or borderline personality disorder. 

When someone has a dual diagnosis, their treatment takes into account both illnesses. This makes it possible for them to get better completely and for a long time. Both psychiatric diseases and substance use disorders can range in severity. People with multiple illnesses may need therapy that is more intense and lasts longer because they face so many problems with their physical and mental health.

What can cause comorbidity in drug addiction?

Is Dual Diagnosis In Drug Addiction Rehab For You


Research in the field of medicine indicates that genetics play an important part in both mental health issues and addiction. It is likely that a person who comes from a family with a history of addiction or depression will be susceptible to such difficulties; there are likely several factors and explanations at play here. 

Investigations conducted in recent times by modern science into the genetics of addiction have uncovered the fact that the individual genes and gene networks of people who suffer from addiction appear to function in a different manner when compared to people who have not been subjected to drug abuse. 

In addition, there is a correlation between prenatal exposure to chemicals or poisons and an increased risk of later-in-life mental health issues for the person who was exposed while they were still in the womb.


The environment is an outside influence that contributes to the development of co-occurring disorders. Children who are brought up in households where alcohol and drugs are freely consumed may end up abusing them because they believe that such behavior is appropriate.

There are a variety of environmental factors that can contribute to the development of mental illness. These factors include traumatic experiences, such as being involved in an accident or being the victim of physical or sexual abuse; stressful life events, such as getting a divorce or losing a loved one; financial strain; and exposure to certain drugs or chemicals.

Other risk factors:

  • Family history of substance abuse and/or mental health issues
  • Prenatal exposure
  • Gender – men are more likely to need dual diagnosis treatment 
  • Poor self-image and self-esteem

Dual diagnosis and treatment at The Robert Alexander Center for Recovery

With the help of our mental health and addictions treatment program, we are happy to be able to give our patients the full and all-encompassing care they need to rebuild their lives. In doing so, we give them the opportunity to put their struggles with addiction and mental health in the past. 

Because we are aware that long-term sobriety is most likely to be successful when it is not jeopardized by untreated mental health symptoms, we have made it our mission to assist each and every person who seeks our assistance in developing healthy coping mechanisms that allow them to deal with their emotional challenges without turning to the consumption of alcoholic beverages or narcotics.

We provide treatment that is based on evidence and is individualized, as well as one that is supportive, to each and every client who walks through our doors. We are aware that there is no silver bullet or treatment that can be considered universally effective for addiction disorder. Individuals are where our attention is directed. In order to assure the client’s long-term success in recovery from substance misuse, we create individualized treatment plans for each patient. 

We are here for you from the moment you first call, through the entire intake process, and even after you have been discharged. You and your loved ones are important to us at the Robert Alexander Center for Recovery in Kentucky, and we are here to assist you in locating a recovery from drug and alcohol misuse that is both long-lasting and self-sustaining.

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