
Although drug and substance abuse is a major problem in Kentucky, there’s still a huge discrepancy between those who need and receive drug treatment. Over the years, several different addiction treatment programs have come up but accessing the right treatment still remains a challenge for a large number of those who need it most.

People go untreated for drug and alcohol abuse for several reasons and we examine some of these below:

Financial Barriers To Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Most of those who fail to get treatment for their addiction cite financial constraints as one of the reasons why. Since the cost of addiction treatment can be quite high, most patients rely on their insurance to meet the cost. Those who lack insurance often find it hard to pay for the rehab themselves, putting treatment out of their reach.

Even those with insurance might find out that their plans or providers do not cover the entire cost of treatment. Alternatively, the insurance provider might have certain limitations on receiving rehab care, which ends up making treatment unaffordable for many.

Unavailability Of Drug Treatment Programs

Even though we now have a wide range of drug addiction treatment programs available in the state, they aren’t enough to cater to all those who need them. The available programs can only serve a limited number of patients at a time due to limited bed or staff availability. Some rehab centers have long waiting lists, discouraging others who might want to receive treatment at these facilities.

Geographic Limitations

Most drug treatment facilities in the country are found in places with high populations, leaving those in less populated states scrambling for the few available ones. Additionally, addiction treatment programs in some states are more spread out making access and commuting difficult for those in rural areas. If this wasn’t enough, these facilities also often have a shortage of qualified personnel. The available doctors, psychiatrists, therapists, etc., are therefore stretched out as they try to meet the demand for treatment.

Stigma Against Addiction Treatment

Another barrier to accessing drug treatment is stigma. A lot of those willing to undergo treatment fear losing their friends, embarrassing their families, or having people think badly of them. Yet others are unwilling to open up about their lives in front of strangers and might not want to participate in group or even individual therapy, therefore hindering effective treatment.

Challenges Faced By Women

Women also face unique challenges that might prevent them from seeking out addiction treatment. For instance, very few programs are tailored to meet the needs of expectant women or those taking care of kids. Furthermore, women are likely to have economic barriers like low income or employment levels and they face more stigma and less support from their families all of which combine to keep them from receiving the necessary treatment.

Here at the Robert Alexander Center for Recovery, we take pride in offering a range of drug treatment programs tailored for individuals, groups, and families. Contact us today and let us help you or your loved one overcome drug addiction. 


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