
Addiction On The Rise In Franklin, TN

Nashville is known to be a tourist attraction for its music, culture, and historic places. Located about 20 miles away, you will find Franklin. Franklin is considered a suburb of Nashville. Government studies group Franklin with Nashville, Davidson, and...

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What Do Prisons Do With Drug Addicts?

Due to the nature of drug abuse, unfortunately, many people who are struggling with addiction will end up turning to crime in order to fund their drug use. That, combined with the fact that arrests for drug possession are on the rise, means that many of our prisons...

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Are Addicts Often Trying To Escape Human Suffering?

Given how complicated addiction is, the answer to this question is both yes and no. Yes, some addicts do turn to drugs or alcohol in a bid to escape some sort of suffering. No, because not all addicts do that. There are several ways through which people get...

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Cocaine is a drug that amps up your attention, energy, and alertness. It’s highly addictive and speeds up the central nervous system.

What Is It Like To Be A Part Of An Addiction Support Group

Recovering from addiction can seem lonely and isolating. You go through the detoxification program alone, battling withdrawal symptoms and cravings. After that, you’re admitted into an addiction treatment program where you do your best to get to the root cause of...

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Does Counselling For Drug Addiction Work?

What Region of the Brain Is Involved in Addiction?

When talking about the topic of addiction treatment, so many people think that addiction is something that has to do with the “mental weakness” of the individual, and that addiction can be overcome by sheer willpower alone. This is not the case because the brain is...

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Do Opioids Cause Long-Term Damages to Your Brain?

People who have been prescribed opioids for conditions like extreme pain could be at a higher risk of addiction. Addiction to opioids has increased over the last two decades, but despite their benefits in some areas of medicine, opioids provide a double-edged...

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People who have been prescribed opioids for conditions like extreme pain could be at a higher risk of addiction.

Is Cocaine An Upper Or A Downer?

Drugs can be informally classified as uppers or downers depending on the effect they have on the central nervous system (CNS). Uppers are stimulants and these are drugs that increase alertness, energy and boost the user’s mood. Downers, on the other hand, depress...

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Drugs can be informally classified as uppers or downers depending on the effect they have on the central nervous system.

Why Is Addiction a Family Disease?

Addiction is considered a family disease in two different ways. Addiction can be a family disease because of how it impacts the individuals surrounding the addicts. It can also be considered a family disease because of how it is genetically linked. At the Robert...

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Why Is Addiction a Family Disease?

How To Love an Addict Without Enabling Them

It is hard to watch a loved one struggle. Sometimes helping them out or looking the other way when problematic behaviors arise can seem like a way to support them, but is it doing more damage than good? When does support become enabling? At the Robert Alexander...

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How to Love an Addict Without Enabling Them
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