
Addiction is considered a family disease in two different ways. Addiction can be a family disease because of how it impacts the individuals surrounding the addicts. It can also be considered a family disease because of how it is genetically linked.

At the Robert Alexander Center, we support individuals and families with comprehensive addiction treatment programs that are designed to promote healing. Contact us today to see how our programs can support you or your loved one through the addiction treatment and rehabilitation process.

What Is Addiction?

Addiction is a mental health disorder. It is characterized by recurrent, chronic, and relapsing use of an item or substance that causes individual problems. And even though it causes personal problems, they cannot stop doing the action or using the substances.

Small things like habits can become addictive and dangerous things like substances can become addictive. Addiction can be harmful in many ways.

Individuals addicted to substances continue using alcohol and drugs even though it causes personal, social, and emotional problems. This could be related to their professional or academic lives. It could cause legal problems or be impacting their social interactions.

Why Is Addiction a Family Disease?

Addiction can be considered a family disease because of how it is genetically linked. Studies have shown that there is a higher probability of individuals developing a substance use disorder if their parents also suffered from one. These same studies have searched through genetic markers to attempt to determine the specific connections. 

However, substance abuse can also be considered a family disease because of how it impacts the environment around an addict. Individuals exposed to addiction earlier in life are more likely to also have problematic use that could develop into addiction. This correlation is significant between parents who have active substance abuse problems and their children. Children in this environment are not only more likely to have problematic use, but are less likely to have successful relationships, have lower academic performance, and have more problematic attendance at school and work.

Addiction truly impacts everyone surrounding the addict. This mental health disorder is pervasive, chronic, and relapsing. While there is no cure, there is help available. Through addiction treatment, people can re-game their lives. 

How To Get Someone Help With Their Addiction Today

Why Is Addiction a Family Disease?

There are multiple programs designed to support addicted persons. They range from intensive inpatient residential care to outpatient community meetings run by the public. Each one of these styles is useful for an individual at a different part of their addiction journey.

People who want to get clean for the first time and\or those who suffer from severe addiction and need additional support with a mental health disorder should seek out residential care. Inpatient residential treatment is around-the-clock care for individuals who need the structure and safe environment that a residential drug treatment facility can offer. In this environment, clients can focus solely on recovery.

Individuals with a less severe form of addiction or those who must maintain irresponsibility in their lives may need to participate in outpatient care. I’ll patient care can be split into two specific groups. Intensive outpatient care or generalized outpatient treatment. Intensive outpatient programs are designed with the structure and support of a residential program. This allows clients to get the support that they need while maintaining some sort of normalcy in their lives.

Outpatient care occurs weekly and can be in person or online\over the phone. In this type of program, individuals meet in small groups or with a counselor to discuss their progress and struggles. Outpatient care can also relate to anonymous groups like narcotics anonymous and alcoholics anonymous. These are community-run outreach programs to support individuals struggling with different types of addiction.

But how can we also support the families? This is important to remember. Family therapy options are available in most residential rehab and Intensive outpatient rehabs. Al-Anon is also an anonymous group for individuals who have a family member that is addicted to substances. These are therapy sessions or group meetings family members and addicts can work through recovery and work on rebuilding their relationships.

The Robert Alexander Center

At the Robert Alexander Center, we believe in a way forward for every individual. By providing comprehensive care, our clients can access supportive and motivational treatment designed to help them focus on the future.

Contact RAC today to see how our programs can support your addiction treatment needs.


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