
There are various reasons why people become addicted to substances. Often, drug addiction is widely misunderstood, and users are characterized as the worst that society has to offer. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. A recent survey found that 46% of US citizens have a friend or family member with a substance abuse issue. These people include fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters. The only hope for many of these unfortunate souls is to seek professional help before it’s too late. 

The Rehab Process

Rehabilitation from substance abuse is a complex and challenging subject. A large percentage of substance abusers experience underlying issues. These issues include mental health disorders, previous maltreatment (sexual, physical, and verbal abuse), domestic violence, and trauma. In other cases, such as the opioid crisis, patients branch into hard street drugs such as heroin and fentanyl because of a prior addiction to doctor-prescribed painkillers like oxycontin following a severe injury.

From legal and socially acceptable alcohol and tobacco to illegal substances like crack cocaine and heroin, most drugs are incredibly addictive. All of these drugs work on the body and the brain. Some are physically addictive (heroin), while others are psychologically addictive (cocaine). Drug rehabilitation aims to address physical and mental addictions to substances. 

The rehab process involves the following:

  • Detox
  • Therapy (individual and group)
  • Treatment
  • After Care

Following the initiation of treatment, patients are required to abstain from all activities that could induce an addictive feeling. The detox and withdrawal phases are the first and most complex. Ongoing therapy is designed to help patients through their experiences and provide an understanding of why they use drugs. Understanding the reasons why is beneficial to avoiding substance abuse. In addition, external entities such as the 12 Steps Program are advantageous following a stay at a rehab facility.

What to Expect Following Rehab

The sudden prevention from using addictive substances under the care of qualified physicians and therapists is difficult for almost all substance abusers. However, while at a facility, a patient will receive the best care possible. Yet following a stay at a facility, upon release, many users will relapse, and it can take multiple rehab visits to adjust to life without drugs finally.

Yet, the process is arduous. Tobacco and alcohol are advertised everywhere and are socially acceptable. This increases the difficulty of staying sober. In addition, movies, TV shows, and video games all but glamorize the use of hard drugs like cocaine and heroin. Therefore, the psychological pressure and physical shock of coming off addictive substances are enormous for those in recovery.

Initially, patients might adversely react to the mounting pressure of staying clean and/or sober following a stay at a rehab facility. Frustration can manifest as mood swings, abnormal behavior, and violence. However, suppose a person is serious about maintaining their health and relationships. In that case, these behaviors are usually temporary. They will reduce as they work on their personal mental and physical health. 

Do people become mean after drug rehab? Well, everyone is different, and there is no one answer as to whether someone will be agitated or docile following or during addiction treatment.

How RAC Can Help with Drug Rehabilitation

The Robert Alexander Center for Recovery is the premier rehabilitation facility in Kentucky. Our treatment services are administered by highly trained professionals dedicated to helping those struggling with addiction. Our evidence-based therapies help those experiencing drug and alcohol problems find their path to long-term recovery.

First and foremost, RAC understands that the road to recovery is fraught with obstacles. Many substance abusers are shunned by society and stigmatized as criminals and dregs of civilization. We know this couldn’t be further from the truth. However, we understand the underlying causes that lead to drug and alcohol abuse. Therefore, we compassionately care for our patients with a highly specialized treatment regimen that aims to help patients understand themselves and their issues. If you, or someone you care about, are experiencing substance abuse issues, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Robert Alexander Center for Recovery today.


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