Why Is Addiction a Family Disease?

Why Is Addiction a Family Disease?

Addiction is considered a family disease in two different ways. Addiction can be a family disease because of how it impacts the individuals surrounding the addicts. It can also be considered a family disease because of how it is genetically linked. At the Robert...
What is Fentanyl? A History Of The Drug

What is Fentanyl? A History Of The Drug

So what is Fentanyl? It is a strong, synthetic opiate analgesic that has been approved for treating severe pain since the 1960s. It is available as an injection or transdermal patch and, in most medical settings, requires a person to have experience with opioids...
How To Love an Addict Without Enabling Them

How To Love an Addict Without Enabling Them

It is hard to watch a loved one struggle. Sometimes helping them out or looking the other way when problematic behaviors arise can seem like a way to support them, but is it doing more damage than good? When does support become enabling? At the Robert Alexander Center...
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