For many who struggle with addiction, drugs may be a way of life, but in reality, drugs are substances that are used to alter the brain’s natural chemistry and make the user feel high. Not all drugs are illegal; some can be legal as well. According to the United Nations, around 35 million people suffer from drug use disorders. At the same time, 10% of adults in the United States have suffered from drug addiction and 75% of those state that they have never received treatment. 

Consumption of drugs has always been an issue in society, but today it is especially widespread. People consume drugs for different reasons, and they usually have other consequences and effects on the body. The most common drugs are not always the ones that cause the most damage. In fact, some of the drugs that doctors prescribe to help people with chronic pain can be just as dangerous as street drugs. Here are some of the most common used by those struggling with drug use disorder: 

  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Prescription Drugs 
  • Methamphetamine 
  • LSD 
  • MDMA

Drugs like cocaine and heroin are among them because they can cause so much physical and psychological harm to a person’s body.

What is Methamphetamine?

Methamphetamine is a central nervous system stimulant, also known as “meth.” Meth is a white, odorless, chunky crystal that can be ground up into a powder. It can be swallowed, snorted, injected, or smoked for the desired high. 

What Does Methamphetamine Do To The Brain and Body?

Those who take Methamphetamine find that it is highly addictive and toxic to the brain and body. This synthetic drug has a number of effects on the human body: it stimulates the heart rate and blood pressure and suppresses the appetite for food and sleep; it can also cause hallucinations, psychosis with delusions or paranoia. It may even lead to death by stroke, heart attack or convulsions.

Meth does not just cause physical addiction but also has some severe effects on the brain. Its use is known to cause intense cravings and a high level of drug dependence, making users want to keep using the drug more and more. This can happen because meth speeds up dopamine production in the brain. Meth can also cause seizures, which can be fatal in some cases. In addition to this, a person’s thinking becomes clouded, and they will have difficulty concentrating or making decisions. They will become very anxious and paranoid, and this can lead to feelings of aggression or violence against others or themselves. 

Meth withdrawal can also affect the brain and body in many ways. For example, withdrawal can cause a person to feel sick, anxious, depressed, and have lots of cravings for the drug. It can also be dangerous because of how it affects the brain (i.e., hallucinations). In addition to all these effects, meth withdrawal also affects a person’s body as well as their hygiene and appearance. 

How is Meth Addiction Treated? 

Because Methamphetamine is a powerful and addictive drug that can quickly lead to addiction, those suffering from addiction must seek treatment. To help people with meth addiction, mental health, and substance abuse, counselors often recommend the use of anti-craving medications like benzodiazepines and clonidine. These medications reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms and cravings that often lead to relapse. Methadone may also be used to decrease cravings in people who are addicted to heroin or other opioid drugs. Other treatments for meth addiction may include: 

  • Behavioral therapy 
  • Medication management 
  • Psychotherapy 
  • Medical care

These are just a few treatment options, but there are many different options available to those suffering from addiction. It really depends on that type of drug being used and if those struggling with their addiction want the help they need. 

How To Get Help With Your Addiction? 

People often think that they need to live in a separate center away from their family and friends; while this isn’t true, it often depends on how far the addiction has progressed. If you are struggling with addiction, there are many resources available to help you with your drug addiction. You can use these resources in order to get help. All you need to do is reach out to local rehab centers, which might give you the support you need. 

There are also social services available for those who have lost their job because of their addiction or whose children have been taken away because they were abusing drugs or alcohol. If you do not know where to turn, please reach out to your local government to provide more information on what is available for you in your area.

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