
When it comes to drug addiction, there are many types of therapies that can facilitate the transition to sobriety. The types of therapy for drug addiction can depend on the type of substance, the age of the individual working towards sobriety, and the extent of the addiction. It is important to know what drug addiction is and how it impacts the brain, before searching and determining the correct therapy for you or your loved one.

What Is Drug Addiction and How Does It Impact the Brain?

According to the DSM-5, the manual on Mental Health Disorders, addiction is classified as a substance use disorder and can be mild, moderate, or severe based on the number of symptoms occurring. Symptoms include things like chronic use, risky behaviors, and several pharmacological indicators like withdrawal and tolerance.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines substance use disorders as when, “the recurrent use of alcohol and/or drugs causes clinically significant impairment, including health problems, disability, and failure to meet major responsibilities at work, school, or home.” 

If you think you are ready for sobriety, check out the Robert Alexander Center and the therapy options we have for support. 

What Are the Main Types of Therapy for Drug Addiction? 

There are many types of therapy to support individuals with substance use disorders. Those range from very well-known evidence-based therapies to adapted alternative therapies that support individuals with other mental health disorders. 

One of the most popular types of therapy for drug addiction is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT forces the individual to identify their own destructive behaviors and negative thinking. From there, the client can develop coping strategies, learn to identify risky behaviors, and learn how to break their previous pattern of destruction. CBT is useful in everyday life and can even support clients with dual-diagnosis disorders. 

Another type of therapy that is known to all is the 12-step program. The 12-step program forces people to consider acceptance, surrender, and activism. By actively engaging in the meetings, better known as AA or NA, people learn to accept their past and help, surrender to the fellowship in the meeting and a higher power, and actively participate in the meetings. AA and NA meetings foster a level of anonymity and support through strangers. By sharing and participating, individuals can learn to accept the help of other recovering addicts on the journey to sobriety. 

A lesser known, yet still popular type of drug addiction therapy is called Person-Centered Therapy. A person is more than their symptoms in a person-centered approach, which uses interpersonal connections and conversations to instigate change. Studies have shown that this holistic approach lowers drop-out and relapse rates. 

Art and music therapy are often seen as fluff when it comes to therapy, but they both bring something valuable to the table. Creative arts therapies support a client’s mental health by allowing self-expression without words. Addiction can be an isolating and depressing mental health disorder, even more so when going through withdrawal and all of the challenges of the recovery process.

If you think these leading therapies are for you, then Robert Alexander Center is for you.

Why You Should Get Sober at RAC

Available 24-hours a day, our state-of-the-art alcohol and drug detox and addiction treatment center is ready to support you through the rehabilitation process. With experienced clinicians and staff, we develop individualized treatment plans for each client that meets their addiction needs. 

Our facility offers intensive outpatient, inpatient, and aftercare programs to support you on your journey. Through individual, family, and group therapies our clients can access our multiple types of drug addiction therapies listed above and many more. 

To encourage holistic healing, we have curated a modern environment of relaxation and recovery with spa-like amenities. 

We are ready to support you on your journey to sobriety at Robert Alexander Center


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