
Cocaine is a stimulant drug that impacts the central nervous system and can have devastating effects on the body. This drug can cause long-lasting withdrawal symptoms and be a difficult habit to break.

But, at the Robert Alexander Center, our highly-trained professionals are ready to support you through every step of the process. We work with our clients to develop addiction treatment designed around their needs and the level of support needed. 

Check out the Robert Alexander Center, where we provide expert treatment for lasting recovery.

What is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a stimulant drug used illegally to create a high. This drug can cause euphoria and a feeling of increased energy and focus. However, it can also cause hypersensitivity to light and sound, paranoia, and many health-related problems that can be irreversible. 

Cocaine is continuously dangerous. The risk of overdose is equal each time an individual takes a hit, even if the dosage is the same and from the same batch. The impact of cocaine on the body can cause overheating, heart attack, stroke, and psychosis.

Why Is Cocaine Addictive?

What are the Signs of Cocaine Withdrawal?

Cocaine is addictive for two main reasons; the time it takes to be felt and how quickly it is processed through the system.

Cocaine, in its multiple forms, is extremely fast-acting. When cocaine is snorted, the effects can be felt in under 5 minutes, and that is the longest it takes. Dissolving and injecting cocaine can be felt in under a minute, and individuals who get free-base crack cocaine to smoke, feel the effect of the drug immediately. This fast-acting substance impacts the brain’s reward center, making it related the action with the euphoria and wanting to increase the likelihood of repeating. 

Another aspect of cocaine that makes it extremely addictive is the fact that it wears through the body so quickly. Individuals who use cocaine know that they must take continuous hits to maintain the high as it often wears off within an hour. Continuous use makes cocaine a commonly binged drug and more addictive. Bingeing is a factor in problematic use that makes addiction more likely. 

Can Cocaine Cause Withdrawal Symptoms?

Cocaine can cause withdrawal symptoms. When using cocaine, the body begins to expect causing dependence and addiction. Individuals who continuously use cocaine may begin to experience negative reactions to the drug, referred to as sensitivity. This can cause the euphoria to turn to paranoia and the hyperfocal to turn to hypersensitivity to light or sound. This change can dramatically impact an individual’s withdrawal symptoms.

What are the Signs of Cocaine Withdrawal?

What are the Signs of Cocaine Withdrawal?

Individuals who are ready to detox and go through withdrawal from cocaine can expect to experience several side effects related to use. 

Cocaine withdrawal can cause:

  • Reckless behavior
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Increased appetite
  • Nightmares

Additionally, it can cause intense cravings for cocaine. This can be one of the most damaging and challenging withdrawal symptoms, as it can last for months and has a high probability of causing individuals to relapse. Depression, also a common withdrawal symptom of cocaine, can last for months following detoxification. These symptoms can also lead to several severe outcomes like relapse and suicidal thoughts.

How to Find Cocaine Detox Centers

Individuals who are ready to stop using cocaine should look for detox centers that can transition them into a comprehensive treatment program that focuses on healing the mental, physical, and emotional trauma of addiction. Additionally, cocaine abusers should look for detox and treatment centers that have specifically dealt with individuals who struggle with cocaine addiction, as they will be more familiar with the symptoms of detox and any possible signs of relapse.

We offer comprehensive addiction treatment at the Robert Alexander Center, starting with cocaine detoxification. Our inpatient, partial hospitalization, and outpatient care programs are designed to support our clients through addiction treatment in the safest and most structured way possible. 

Many individuals find that transitions between treatments can be the most difficult to manage. At the Robert Alexander Center, our clients transition seamlessly between programs where they have access to the same doctors and facilities without having to reintroduce themselves and explain their addiction to a new person. 

Our campus houses both inpatient and outpatient programs, nutritional health staff, and a full staff of high-quality and expertly trained staff to support you through every step of the process.

Check out the Robert Alexander Center today to see how we can support your healthy living.

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