Some occupations seem to have a high proportion of persons who abuse substances or are addicted to drugs or alcohol. One prominent example is the entertainment sector, where actors, artists, producers, and many others have been in the headlines for drug abuse, sickness, or death as a result of drug abuse. However, this is not the only profession with a high risk of addiction, and that is in need of treatment.
The frequency of addiction in different fields is discussed in further depth below, as well as how specific jobs lead to a proclivity for addiction.
According to Restaurant Business Online, the hospitality business – which includes hotels, restaurants, and other establishments that offer food and lodging to customers – has the highest percentage of drug abuse and addiction among workers, especially with respect to illicit narcotics. In fact, one out of every five hospitality employees uses illegal drugs. Furthermore, these employees have a high risk of alcohol use disorder and prescription medication abuse.
This high incidence might be attributed to long work hours, poor income, and the necessity to continually deliver a high level of customer service, which creates a desire to be pleasant and helpful at all times. Added together, it’s clear that a number of hospitality workers would benefit from intensive outpatient treatment for addiction.
Business Management
It’s no secret that running a high-powered company can be a stressful experience. In fact, those in management are the sixth most likely category to be diagnosed with drug use problems. Substance abuse is also on the increase in this profession.
Many high-level managers, such as CEOs and other top executives, struggle to strike a balance between the need to seek treatment for drug abuse and the necessity to continue running their businesses in order to avoid serious issues with commerce and the economy. As a consequence, a lot of drug treatment organizations provide tailor-made programs that allow these individuals to continue conducting business while in treatment. These programs also maintain a high degree of anonymity about the individual’s participation in the program.
It may come as a surprise that drug abuse is a huge issue in the healthcare industry. Drug abuse can be a difficult problem for nurses, but it can affect all levels of health care treatment.
According to a Modern Medicine article, drug abuse in the nursing profession is a “silent epidemic.” Studies have shown that nurses who work in more stressful or emotionally challenging roles, such as emergency room nurses or those who work in intensive care, oncology, or psychiatric care, are more likely to use addictive substances ranging from cigarettes to cocaine. This tendency is partly based on the easy availability of drugs. When this is combined with the high level of stress in medical employment, these professionals are in danger of drug abuse and addiction. For someone working in healthcare, inpatient treatment might be the best option, as it is quicker and gives them a chance to stay away from patients while they are treated.