
Living with your own addiction or perhaps with people who have addiction in your home, is contrary to a safe and happy household. It’s tough to be in such close quarters with others and feel dependent on a substance to make you sociable. Holding a conversation becomes trying and even the littlest of things can make you irritable. The social contract that we must all live by is fragile at the best of times, so when you or someone else isn’t obeying the unwritten common courtesy laws, it can end up being a volatile house to live in. But if you get a few basic steps right, you could get on the right path to solving addiction in your home.

Restrict Access To Money

Steps To Solving Addiction In Your Own Home

Whatever else happens in addition, it is always facilitated by the use of money. By putting a clamp on the money available to your loved one or to yourself, you can quickly gain a foothold on substance abuse in your household. This can be done by taking a personal bank card away from your family member and keeping it in your safekeeping. If you are personally the one who is suffering from a condition, then give your bank card to a trusted family member outside of the home. Giving it to your grandparents and then, only asking for it to be given to you when you need to do grocery shopping or pay for other things, is a sensible approach. You can also speak with your bank and ask them to limit your or someone else’s withdrawal amount to keep a threshold on the money able to be spent in a short space of time.

A Pyramid Of Help For Solving Addiction

Steps To Solving Addiction In Your Own Home

In close quarters, living with an addict can be sketchy at times. Matters can escalate rapidly into violence and for that, you need to have a solution already prepared. But, before it gets to that stage, you should have multiple layers of support open. Consider creating a pyramid of help that looks like this.

Initial Support

Speaking with friends and family – Using online addiction support chat rooms – watching coping videos together. 

Get Focused Help

Contact our Kentucky State Drug & Alcohol Recovery Treatment center to receive information about our mental health support strategies – Ask an addiction survivor to come and speak with your loved one, at home – Inform their friends and job, about their condition and ask them not to enable your loved one.

In The Most Severe Case

Call the police if things become violent – Call other family members to help you control a volatile situation, such as taking the loved one away for a few days – Call a suicide hotline if they are exhibiting signs of severe depression.

Self-care Does Work Wonders

Engage with your loved one to take better care of themselves. Tell them to go for a run or workout and eat healthily. You can make them low-carb meals which will make them feel lighter and start losing weight. Make sure they’re getting enough sleep so their brain can recharge. Don’t engage with social media too often as it becomes a place for narcissism and public validation.

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