
Alcoholism is a mental health disorder developed by a combination of factors, including genetics. But while genetics can play a part, its role does not overpower or overshadow the additional factors that develop a disorder like addiction.

At the Robert Alexander Center, we support individuals through detoxification, inpatient addiction treatment, continued outpatient treatment, and combined family therapy for individuals who are ready to make a significant change in their lifestyle. We use traditional therapies to help individuals with substance use disorders and many comorbid disorders that impact, and sometimes even worse, the effects of addiction.

Contact the Robert Alexander Center to see how we can help you battle addiction today.

What Causes Addiction?

There is no one singular cause of addiction. In many cases, it actually is a combination of many factors that lead to addiction. Addiction is a significant mental health disorder that impacts an individual in every aspect of their life. The build-up to this kind of disorder is extensive and can stem from a multitude of factors like risk, environment, and genetics.

Individuals with a heightened risk of addiction include those who use illegal drugs, misuse prescription drugs or alcohol, or exhibit problematic behaviors involving drugs and alcohol. 

Problematic use of drugs includes the misuse of prescription drugs, illegal drug use, and misuse of legal substances. Individuals may misuse prescription drugs, like opioids, when they take the medication to get high, take the medication in an unintended way, like crushed or dissolved, and take a substance too much, too frequently, or both. Illegal drug use indicates a willingness for risk and, combined with the effects of the substance, can lead an individual into even higher-risk situations. Lastly, individuals who misuse legal substances are at a higher risk than others because of unsafe use. This can include drinking underage, mixing substances, and ingesting these legal substances in an unsafe way.

Another factor that can lead to addiction is the environment that they are in. Whether as an adult or child, individuals in an environment surrounded by illegal drug use, problematic drinking, or other’s addictions can lead to a greater risk for an individual to become addicted themselves. 

Finally, genetics is a factor in addiction. Individuals with an addicted biological parent can sometimes experience a greater-than-average likelihood of developing an addiction. 

Is Addiction a Genetic Disease?

Addiction is not a genetic disease. Individuals who have a biological relative who is an addict are not guaranteed to develop an addiction. 

Addiction is developed through a combination of risk factors and substance use. While individuals who are exposed to an environment of substance abuse at a young age, have a genetic connection to an addict or display high-risk use patterns, there are no guarantees that an addiction will or will not be developed.

Those most at risk are individuals who are exposed to substance use or abuse at a young age. This environment, typically caused by parents or guardians who display problematic use or addictive tendencies, demonstrates unhealthy and unsafe use for individuals, leading to exposure and problematic use at a young age. 

How to Find Addiction Treatment Programs Near Me

When looking for an addiction treatment program, it is important to consider the factors that lead to your addiction and those that will most help you through your treatment. Finding an addiction treatment program near you can provide multiple opportunities for you to grow and learn in a familiar environment.

Addiction treatment programs and campuses near where you live are ideal for individuals with local families and those who have strong ties to the community. In this way, you are familiar with your environment and can focus on healing. 

The Robert Alexander Center

Here at the Robert Alexander Center, we believe we are the best option for local addiction treatment near you. Our campus houses multiple addiction treatment programs, family therapy options, and extensive aftercare programming for individuals who have completed residential programs on our campus. 

Our comprehensive campus accepts individuals in every stage of the detox and recovery process working with individuals to help them rid themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally from the damage of addiction. 

We use a combination of traditional evidence-based treatment programs with comprehensive physical health care through our nutritionists and designated spa and workout areas. This is ideal for individuals who are trying to make a positive change in their lives. 

Our expert medical staff offers residential treatment, outpatient care, and family therapy. They are also trained to manage comorbid mental health disorders like anxiety, bipolar, depression, mood disorders, personality disorders, PTSD, and trauma. 

Contact us today to see how we can start you on your journey of recovery.

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