
Watching someone you love struggling with an addiction can be heart-wrenching. You want to help them get better but they refuse to get any help. Even worse, they seem oblivious to the gravity of their addiction even though it is gradually taking over their life, exposing them to adverse health effects. Your attempts at getting them to acknowledge they need help are met with resistance and hostility. You end up wondering how you can get your loved one to rehab facility kentucky when they’re not interested in going.

This might be a tricky situation but with the right approach, you can get your loved one the help they need. Addiction is a complex disease that affects an individual mentally, physically, and emotionally so don’t take it personally when they lash out at your attempts to help.  What you need to do is remind yourself that you are acting in their best interest and from a place of love. You want what is best for them and that should guide your actions.

Helping a Loved One Get to Rehab Facility Kentucky If They Are Reluctant To Go

Rehab Facility Kentucky

Resolving to get someone to rehab is one thing, actually getting them there is another.

Many people worry that forcing someone to go to rehab might have a negative outcome. However, it might not always be possible to get them to enroll voluntarily. Sometimes you are left with no option other than to force them to get treatment. For instance, they could be neglecting their responsibilities including their familial ones, and might risk losing custody of their children if they don’t change. Or perhaps, you fear they could compromise their health if they don’t overcome their addiction.

Sometimes all an individual struggling with addiction needs is a push in the right direction. There are two ways to go about giving that push:

  • Involuntary Commitment

This is one route to take if a person suffering from alcohol or substance abuse is a danger to themselves or others. It is also referred to as court-ordered rehab. In this case, the court orders an individual with substance use disorder to enroll in a rehab center and they have no choice but to do so. While the laws governing involuntary commitment are not in place in all states, things are changing. This method has some drawbacks. However, reliable and substantial evidence is required showing that the person’s addiction is potentially harmful to themselves or others and this can be difficult to obtain.

  • Holding an Intervention

The other alternative is to stage an intervention. This involves having a candid, open conversation with the person with an addiction. During this conversation, you need to be firm and direct about how their substance use has affected their life and yours as well. Use specific examples of some of the harmful habits and things they have done. During this conversation, bring up getting treatment.

While it might be difficult to talk to your loved one about their addiction and harmful behavior, it is necessary to help them realize the seriousness of their situation as well as present the treatment options available.

Steps for Getting Someone into Rehab

Rehab Facility Kentucky

Getting someone into Rehab Facility Kentucky when they’re reluctant to go in the first place is challenging. The key to doing this lies in taking the right approach:

1. Recognize the signs of addiction 

Learning the signs of addiction to look out for can alert you to whether your loved one is abusing drugs. These signs include possessing drug-related paraphernalia, problems at school or work, disinterest in previous hobbies, experiencing withdrawal symptoms, etc.

2. Find out how they feel about rehab

If they’re open to the idea, get in touch with the Robert Alexander Center for Recovery and we’ll assist in enrolling them into one of our treatment programs.

If they resist the idea, get an interventionist or therapist to talk to them or try to stage an intervention to help them accept the idea of rehab.

3. Research the available treatment options

There are lots of different Rehab Facility Kentucky centers out there so you need to do some research to identify one that meets your needs. Ensure that they are open about their fees and operations, offer a range of addiction treatment options, and have qualified staff.

4. Go over logistical options with a professional counselor

Once you have decided on the treatment program, iron out the logistical details before planning an intervention. This includes determining where your loved one will reside, how they will commute to the rehab center, etc. It’s also a good idea to put your finances in order and ensure you can afford the treatment by researching the insurance and financing options the rehab offers.

5. Plan an intervention

As mentioned before, if your loved one is reluctant to go into rehab on their own, you might need to plan an intervention. Invite their closest friends and family members and have an honest conversation about how their addiction and behavior have impacted their lives. Do this from a place of compassion, stick to the facts and avoid drama, guilt-tripping, or being judgmental of your loved one or they could feel attacked and resist your plans.

6. Be supportive, loving, and understanding throughout their recovery

The person struggling with substance abuse will likely stick to the treatment program if they feel loved and supported. In addition to choosing a rehab facility with empathetic and understanding staff, you also need to be loving and supportive throughout your loved one’s recovery process. Let them know how proud you are of their progress and find ways to get involved in their treatment, whenever possible.

7. Discuss aftercare with professionals

Going to rehab starts the recovery process and it doesn’t end once a person is discharged. After your loved one is released from the treatment center, they’ll still need aftercare services to keep them from relapsing.

Contact the Robert Alexander Center for Recovery today for help with getting your loved one into one of our drug and alcohol Rehab Facility Kentucky.

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