
If you suspect that your loved one is an alcoholic, you’ve probably been searching for changes and signs in their behavior. You may also be struggling with their actions and how their drinking has affected you.

You are not alone. There are resources for family members of an alcoholic and one of those is through the Robert Alexander Center. Our addiction treatment facility is designed with clients in mind. We combine individualized treatment with comprehensive family therapy opportunities

Contact the Robert Alexander Center today to see how we can support your loved ones on their journey of recovery.

What are the Signs of Addiction?

Addiction is a pervasive disease. It has the ability to impact every area of your loved one’s life. Their physical, mental, and emotional health are at risk when they use and become addicted to drugs. 

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction has the ability to impact a person’s ability to make good decisions and learn from mistakes. It can also change their judgment, behavior, and negatively impact their memory and level of anxiety.

Resources for Alcoholic’s Families

The impact that addiction has on your loved one may or may not be noticeable. It will be more noticeable if you know what signs to look for. 

Addiction impacting learning may look like poor attendance, significant changes in grades or work performance, and difficulty focusing. This can be evident in schools and the workplace.

Judgment and decision-making can be severely impacted while using and while sober. Addiction causes cravings and the need for more of the drug. This can impact the decisions your loved one makes in order to obtain more of the drug, even when they aren’t high. When an individual is high, their judgment is impaired, and they may make decisions that are atypical for them. 

Other signs you may notice are related to stress and memory. When an individual uses drugs this can increase their stress levels and impact their short- and long-term memory. Stressors can impact sleep, weight, and personality.

Finally, you may notice significant changes in behavior for an individual who is addicted to drugs or alcohol. Individuals who are addicted may be more aggressive or violent, they might also be more passive and have delayed responses depending on the drug taken. Behaviorally you may notice changes in peer groups, responsibility, and availability. You might also notice personal hygiene changes related to addiction.

If you are worried about your loved one, consider the Robert Alexander Center for treatment. Individuals struggling with addiction. Our comprehensive addiction treatment supports clients and their families through the recovery process. 

Resources For Family Members of Alcoholics

There is good news. There are resources for family members of alcoholics. Individually family members may participate in AlAnon meetings or in family therapy meetings at comprehensive rehab facilities.

AlAnon is a group like Alcoholics Anonymous, designed for the family members of individuals who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. In this anonymous meeting group, individuals can work with one another to support and lean on others going through similar situations. This group is only for family members, not addicts, so they can speak freely and discuss their relationships with their loved ones.

Another resource for an alcoholic’s family is family therapy treatment options at comprehensive rehab centers. In this situation, the addict attends treatment and the family members come in to participate in individualized counseling for the individual. This is beneficial for families who are struggling to maintain and rebuild their family relationships. The counselor gets an idea of the family dynamic and can work individually with the client and the family on specific goals.

Robert Alexander Center – Addiction Treatment for the Whole Family

At the Robert Alexander Center, we believe in comprehensive treatment for addiction. We work with individuals and their families to battle addiction. 

Our comprehensive treatment begins with medically monitored detoxification. Through this process, individuals are supported and monitored through withdrawal. Following detox, clients are transitioned into treatment. Residential inpatient treatment is designed with the client’s needs in mind. Our expert staff works with our clients to create a treatment program that matches the needs and goals of the individual. Successful completion of a residential program transitions clients again into a less restrictive environment. Clients then complete an outpatient program and can move into a supportive alumni program, all completed on our campus.
Contact the Robert Alexander Center today to access addiction treatment for the whole family.


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